About Project
Pictures sold: 0 | Pictures available: 999 | Lowest figure available: I (1) | Highest figure available: CMXCIX (999)
e.g. DLXIV or 564
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Welcome to 999 pictures collection!

We are - two creative persons who finally decided to realize one of Our ideas on the web.

We created a limited ( 1 - 999 ) and unique collection of pictures with ancient Rome figures.

With these works of art We want to present You the positive energy of Love embodied in figures.

Getting one of these pictures You are not just becoming the owner of the unique, beautiful and qualitative picture, but You also have an opportunity to participate in charity.

Having bought a picture You can be assured that a part of Your money is spent for charity.

If You wish to take part in charity, but for any reasons do not know or are not assured of final use of the donated resources then we take the responsibility on ourselves.

Each picture that You choose is in own way unique and It is in harmony exactly with You!

In our opinion any of these pictures also is a valuable gift containing positive energy!

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